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Justice and Peace Ministry-Our L

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For Justice and Peace Ministry-Our Lady of the Assumption

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The Santos FamilyEl Sacabastal, Palencia, Guatemala

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Gratefully Acknowledges Justice and Peace MinistryOur Lady of the AssumptionforExceptional Generosity in Providing “The Gift of a New Life”for The Santos FamilyofEl Sacabastal, Palencia, Guatemala

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Please click the image above to view animmersive walkthrough of a beautiful newhome that FFTP previously provided to aworthy family.

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"Whatever you did for one of the least of thesebrothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me."(Matthew 25:40 NIV )Plea s e cons i d e r inc l u ding F o o d For T he Poo r in yo u r Will.6401 L yons R o ad, C o c onut C r e ek, F l 33073 . 800-4 8 7 -1158 . 954-4 2 7 -2222 . www.F o o dForTh e P oor.o r gContributions are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).Dear Friends in Christ, I am beyond grateful for your selfless gift of $4,900.00, which was matched byanother generous friend of Food For The Poor. Because of your kindness, adesperate family who had been struggling to survive, now has a place to build anew life: a two-bedroom home with a living area, sanitation, a water component,a cooking area, a sink, furnishings, lighting and structural elements to withstandsevere weather conditions. My gratitude for your generosity cannot be measured, but I hope the enclosedportfolio with a photo of the family whose lives you have transformed, helps youbegin to understand how much your thoughtfulness is appreciated. Your sacrificebrings renewed hope for the future to a place where hope has been in shortsupply. We all need a place to lay our heads in peace, and, thanks to you, one morefamily is now protected with sturdy walls and a waterproof roof able to endurebad storms – quite unlike the tarp, metal sheets, sticks and string that often formthe homes of impoverished families. They have real floors that don’t turn to mudwhen it rains, and secure doors that lock. Your willingness to furnish a secure, strong and solid base for a family in need ofone is touching, and it is my privilege to thank you. Truly, you have given thisfamily the space to grow like they never have before. May God bless you with thesame joy you have so generously provided. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so thatyou may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13, NIV)United in God’s work,Ed RainePresident/CEO

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Click the icon above for a special video in celebration of you and all you do.

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"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me."(Matthew 25:40, NIV)