The Smith FamilyWith joy you will draw water from thewells of salvation.(Isaiah 12:3)
The Louis FamilyLilavois 35, HaitiGPS 20.40.22
Gratefully Acknowledges The Smith FamilyforYour Exceptional Generosity in providing “A Gift That Quenches Thirst” In Loving Honor of Jean Smith,For the residents ofLilavois 35, Haiti
6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, Fl 33073 . 800-487-1158 . 954-427-2222 www.FoodForThePoor.orgContributions are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).August 5, 2021Dear Charles Smith, Thank you for your gift of $6,750, which has enabled Food For The Poor to install a well in an impoverished community. Incommunities where families live in precarious conditions in makeshift hovels, without sanitation or indoor plumbing, clean water iscritical in fighting waterborne diseases and deadly viruses. Food For The Poor-installed wells are a godsend for these communities. Each well can draw water from depths of 25 to 300 feet,and the accompanying India Mark II Deepwell hand pump yields up to 400 gallons of water per hour. The pump is an effective answer tothe water needs of rural and semi-urban people in developing countries. It is the standard against which all other pumps are compared,according to a consumer testing laboratory in England. Each well has the capacity to serve 200 families. Just imagine: Through your gift for one well, you are supplying dozens upondozens of families! Because of you, 200 families now have access to clean water and a healthy lifestyle! I hope the enclosed portfoliowith a photo of the well will illustrate to you just how far-reaching your generosity is for individuals who have nothing to give in return. No doubt this blessing you are extending to these families will be returned to you for generations to come. “For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.” (Isaiah 44:3, NIV) Together, we work tirelessly to improve the lives of families, for we cannot do it alone. United in God’s work, Ed Raine President/CEO
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"Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me."(Matthew 25:40, NIV)