Message WINTER2024-2025
Our Team 03Connect with us inprayerCommunitySpotlight10El TablónWorld Vision andFFTP 06Uplifting ElSalvador'sVulnerableFamiliesFFTP and USAID13Green InnovationsRevitalize aChildren's Hospitalin GuatemalaTable ofContentsBuzz WordPartnerships05The Power ofPartnershipsNote from our CEOEd Raine welcomesyou to the inauguralFFTP QuarterlyMagazine04Building Futureswith Food For ThePoorEducation08Benevolent Program14Food For The Poorpartners with WorldPediatric Project Our Programs16Reports on afew of ourprograms Be an Advocate19VolunteerBrainteasers & TastyPleasers21A bit of funResources23Connect with ourresources
03Issue 01 January 2025Team:Editors in Chief:Wendy ShervingtonLesly ClervilContributers:Susan James-CasserlyKaren FisherCorine EppsProgram Quality and MEAL Team Members:Dwayne ReynoldsAlberto GonzalezCopy Editor:Tammy HallPhotography by:Cáritas ArquidiocesanaWorld VisionFFTP JamaicaP4H Collaboration with:Cáritas ArquidiocesanaWorld VisionFFTP JamaicaBigBadMachine.comPartners in this Issue:
From the CEOWe are thrilled to present the inaugural issue of FFTP QuarterlyMagazine, a publication that showcases the transformative power ofpartnerships in our mission to alleviate poverty. This issue highlights ourcollaborative efforts in agriculture and education, demonstrating howthese sectors are crucial for sustainable development.Our benevolent story features the heartwarming journey of Sheyla, ayoung girl from Guatemala, whose life was changed through ourpartnership with World Pediatric Project. This collaboration exemplifieshow joining forces can provide critical medical care to those who need itmost.We're also excited to share details about our groundbreaking partnershipwith World Food Program USA, which aims to enhance school meals andnutrition in El Salvador. Through these stories and more, we hope to inspire our readers andpartners to continue working together toward a world where everyonehas the opportunity to thrive. This magazine is a testament to theincredible impact we can achieve when we unite our efforts in service ofthose in need.President & Chief ExecutiveOfficer (CEO)Ed Raine04Issue 01 January 2025
Buzz Word: PartnershipsBy Wendy ShervingtonThe Power of Partnerships: How CharitableOrganizations Amplify Their ImpactThe old adage "two heads are better than one" couldn't ring truer. As global challenges become increasingly complex, FFTPis discovering that collaboration is not just beneficial—it's essential. Partnerships with other major international charitiesexemplify this trend, showcasing how joining forces can create a ripple effect of positive change.When FFTP collaborates with other major charities, we bring together a wealth of experience, resources, and expertise.This synergy allows us to tackle multifaceted issues like hunger, poverty, and lack of education with greater efficiency andeffectiveness. For instance, when an organization with an established presence in a region partners with another that hasspecialized resources or expertise, it creates a powerful force for community development. These partnerships also enableorganizations to reach a wider audience and serve more people. Collaborations between large international aidorganizations have been known to reach millions of people in a single year—a feat that would be challenging for any singleorganization to achieve independently.Perhaps one of the most powerful aspects of collaboration is the amplified voice it gives to important causes. When weunite with respected organizations, our combined influence can raise public awareness, and drive meaningful change on aglobal scale. By working together with other organizations, we can create a multiplier effect, turning our combined effortsinto outcomes that far exceed the sum of our parts. For us, partnerships aren't just beneficial—they're transformative,offering hope and tangible solutions to some of the world's most pressing humanitarian issues."Two are better than one, because they have a good returnfor their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help theother up."Ecclesiastes 4:9-10Equally crucial to these partnerships is the collaboration of our donors. Their unwavering support and generosity form thebackbone of our efforts, enabling FFTP to engage in these impactful collaborations. By supporting FFTP, donors becomeactive participants in a global network of change-makers, working together to address complex challenges and createlasting solutions for those in need.05Food For The Poor
Featured Story:Food For The Poor and World VisionUnite to Uplift El Salvador's VulnerableFamiliesIn Central America, 1.3 million children under the age of five suffer from stunting. Amidst these stark statistics, a young boy in ElSalvador stands as a beacon of hope, diligently helping in a sustainable vegetable garden. 06Issue 01 January 2025
Food For The Poor and World Vision Unite to Uplift El Salvador's Vulnerable Families In a heartwarming collaboration, Food For The Poor andWorld Vision have embarked on a mission to support themost vulnerable families in rural El Salvador. This initiative,rooted in compassion and community spirit, aims to enhancefood security and nutrition for 396 families throughsustainable agricultural practices and educational workshops.The project introduces innovative solutions to address foodinsecurity. Families will benefit from the installation ofaquaponics systems, which combine fish farming withhydroponic plant cultivation, creating a self-sustainingecosystem powered by solar energy. Additionally, familieswill establish dual-purpose chicken farms and home gardens,providing both food and potential income sources.Beyond providing food, the project emphasizes theimportance of nutritional education. Families will participatein workshops designed to promote healthy eating habits andimprove food preparation skills. These sessions aim toempower participants with the knowledge to make nutritiouschoices, fostering a sense of well-being and self-reliance. World Vision's involvement brings a comprehensive approachto the project, integrating it with their ongoing programs inthe region. This includes promoting positive parentingpractices, protecting children's rights, and providing life skillstraining for youth. The initiative also focuses on disaster riskreduction and improving access to clean water and sanitation.At the heart of this partnership is a shared commitment touplifting communities through faith and resilience. Churchesplay a pivotal role, offering spiritual support and values-basedtraining. This collaboration aims to create lasting positivechange, empowering families to break the cycle of povertyand build a brighter, more hopeful future.Through the combined efforts of Food For The Poor andWorld Vision, this project seeks to nourish not only the bodiesbut also the spirits of El Salvador's most vulnerable families,fostering a sense of community, resilience, and faith.It has been very helpful,they have given usworkshops, they supportedus with the chicken farm. 07Food For The Poor
Featured Story:Education: Building Futures with Food For The PoorPhotos by P4H-Haiti08Issue 01 January 2025
Education: Building Futures with Food For The PoorAt Food For The Poor, we believe education is the key tobreaking the cycle of poverty. Our comprehensiveapproach focuses on creating conducive learningenvironments, nourishing bodies and minds, andempowering communities through knowledge.We have built or renovated over 2,000 schools, providingsafe spaces for children to learn and grow. In El Salvadoralone, our partnership with FEPADE and USAID hasimproved over 100 schools, upgrading facilities andextending our efforts to community spaces.Our school feeding programs ensure students can focus onlearning rather than hunger. Nutritious food is essential notonly for a child’s healthy growth but also for theiracademic performance. For many children, a school mealis the only food they have each day, which helps keepthem in the classroom and focused on their studies. We conducted workshops for students, teachers, andcommunities, covering a range of topics to create well-rounded individuals prepared for future challenges. Weengaged over 6,000 parents in training sessions,recognizing their crucial role in their children's education.The program's comprehensive approach included teachertraining, classroom observation, and encouragedcommunity involvement.The P4H program in Haiti exemplified our holisticapproach to education. This initiative trained 541 teachersin advanced educational methodologies, benefiting over7,000 students. The program's success was evident inimproved grades and exam pass rates significantly abovethe national average. Our efforts have gained international recognition, withP4H Global receiving the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize forTeacher Development in 2022.At Food For The Poor, we're not just building schools –we're building futures. By focusing on education, we'reopening doors to better opportunities, improving healthoutcomes, and fostering community development. Webelieve every child deserves the chance to learn, grow, andsucceed, and we're working tirelessly to make this areality, one school, one meal, and one child at a time.09Food For The Poor
Community Spotlight:El Tablón Photography by Cáritas ArquidiocesanaIn the heart of Guatemala, the community of El Tablón hasundergone a remarkable transformation thanks to thecollaborative efforts of Food For The Poor and CáritasArquidiocesana, fueled by the generosity of FFTP donors.Since 2017, this partnership has brought about significantchanges that have improved the lives of hundreds offamilies in this rural area.One of the most impactful initiatives has been theconstruction of over 100 houses, providing safe and sturdyhomes for families who previously lived in inadequateshelters. These new homes offer protection from theelements and a foundation for families to build better lives.The improvements extend beyond housing. The installationof latrines and laundry sinks has greatly enhancedsanitation and hygiene in the community. Thisinfrastructure is crucial for preventing the spread ofdiseases and improving overall health outcomes.10Issue 01 January 2025To promote sustainable food security and nutrition, FFTPand Cáritas Arquidiocesana have implemented severalagricultural projects. Fruit trees have been plantedthroughout the community, providing both nutrition andpotential income for families. The establishment of pig andchicken farms has created opportunities for livestockrearing, offering a source of protein and potential economicbenefits.Additionally, 50 vegetable gardens have been created,empowering families to grow their own fresh produce.These gardens not only contribute to better nutrition butalso teach valuable agricultural skills and promote self-sufficiency.
At the heart of these developments stands a newcommunity center, serving as a hub for gatherings,educational activities, and community-building events.This space fosters a sense of unity and provides aplatform for further community development initiatives.FFTP works closely with community leaders like DoñaChonita from El Tablón to ensure that these projects meetthe real needs of the community and to promoteparticipation from children, parents, and teachers invarious programs.Ed Raine, President & CEO of FFTP, emphasizes theorganization's focus on sustainable development: "This isvery much in our broad perspective of building lives andnot just handing things out. People need help, but mostlythey need the support to be able to stand on their own".The transformation of El Tablón exemplifies how targetedaid and community involvement can create lastingchange. Through the continued partnership betweenFFTP, Cáritas Arquidiocesana, and generous donors, ElTablón is building a brighter future, one project at a time.Women in the community gathering their donation of fruit trees.11Food For The Poor
A groundbreaking water project is currently underway,aiming to provide running water to El Tablón for the firsttime. This initiative will bring clean, accessible waterdirectly to the community, significantly improving healthand sanitation conditions for residents who have longstruggled with water scarcity and quality issues.Complementing this, FFTP and Cáritas Arquidiocesana arelaunching further comprehensive community developmenttraining. This multifaceted initiative aims to enhanceeducation quality, foster community leadership, improvemental and emotional well-being, increase food access,identify economic opportunities, and provide supplementalincome through pig farming for select families.The project encompasses various components includingeducation programs, social development initiatives, foodsecurity and nutrition efforts, and economic empowermentactivities. It will benefit approximately 600 people from 120families, with participants selected based on needs,representation, motivation, and required skills for specificactivities.The community will no longer have to carry buckets of water.12Issue 01 January 2025Laying the pipes into the community. Additionally, the project includes significantimprovements in water and sanitation conditions, suchas the construction of healthy kitchens, installation oflatrines, and implementation of rainwater collectionsystems for numerous families.These initiatives represent a holistic approach tocommunity development, addressing not only immediateneeds but also laying the groundwork for long-termsustainability and growth in El Tablón. Through theseefforts, FFTP and Cáritas Arquidiocesana continue todemonstrate the power of partnership in creating lastingpositive change, transforming lives and building abrighter future for the entire community.
The partnership between Food For The Poor andUSAID's American Schools and Hospitals Abroad(ASHA) program has been instrumental intransforming Children's Hospital Juan Pablo II in Mixco,Guatemala, into a green healthcare leader. Thiscollaboration, which began in 2015, has beensupported through seven grants totaling almost fourmillion dollars.The series of innovative "green" projects implementedat the hospital include a wastewater treatment plant toaddress sanitation issues and recycle sewageefficiently. A hospital-wide solar power system wasinstalled, making it the only fully solarized hospital inGuatemala. This system not only meets the hospital'senergy needs but produces a 40% surplus through netmetering.The partnership has also facilitated the installation ofLED lighting and energy-efficient equipmentthroughout the facility. Water-efficient faucets andtoilets, as well as eco-friendly furniture, have beenadded to enhance sustainability. The hospital nowboasts 27 recycling stations with 111 containers madefrom recycled materials, allowing for specific wasteclassification beyond Guatemala's current legalrequirements. Additionally, the procurement of state-of-the-art medical equipment has improved diagnosticand treatment capabilities.These initiatives have significantly enhanced thehospital's sustainability and its ability to provide high-quality care to Guatemala's most vulnerable childrenand mothers. As the only pediatric hospital inGuatemala serving over 125,000 patients annually, theimpact of these improvements is substantial.Looking ahead, plans are underway to construct a newgreen hospital building that will expand pediatric andmaternity outpatient clinics and diagnostic labs. Thisenergy and water-efficient structure will utilize LEDlighting and natural daylight and ventilation.Through this ongoing partnership, Children's HospitalJuan Pablo II continues to demonstrate leadership insustainable healthcare practices, setting an examplefor other medical facilities in the region andcontributing to a healthier, more sustainable future forGuatemala.FFTP and USAID/ASHA:Green Innovations RevitalizeChildren's Hospital in Guatemala13Food For The Poor
Benevolent Program:Food For The Poor partnerswith World Pediatric Project By Karen FisherPhotography by Cáritas Arquidiocesana14Issue 01 January 2025
A Ray of Hope for SheylaSheyla's journey has been fraught with challenges from thevery beginning. Born with a tethered spinal cord andmeningocele, she faced significant health issues that impactedher daily life. Orphaned at a young age, Sheyla found a homewith her maternal aunt and uncle in Guatemala City. Despitethe love and care they provided, her medical needs posedsignificant challenges.Hope arrived when Sheyla's cousin, Edy Pu, discovered TheMoore Center Foundation through social media. Althoughthey couldn't directly assist, they connected the family withWorld Pediatric Project Guatemala. This led to a life-changingappointment with neurosurgeon Dr. Edgar Rodríguez.FFTP's collaboration with World Pediatric Project openeddoors that were previously closed for Sheyla. As part of theirU.S. Referrals Program, FFTP pledged $30,000 to supportWPP in assisting children with critical medical challenges,including spinal issues like Sheyla's. This partnership made thecrucial surgery at Juan Pablo II Hospital possible.We're thrilled to report that Sheyla's surgery was a success.Her recovery has been remarkable, with her aunt sharing,"Sheyla is doing well after surgery. It has been hard keepingher quiet so she can heal because all she wants to do is runand play."Beyond physical healing, Sheyla is also benefiting from amental health initiative supported by FFTP and WorldPediatric Project. This holistic approach is helping her buildconfidence and embrace her newfound abilities.This heartwarming story exemplifies the impact ofcollaborative efforts. World Pediatrics, a 501(c)(3) nonprofitorganization, has a mission to heal critically ill children andbuild healthcare capacity in the world. Their regional approachin Latin America focuses on supporting local pediatricspecialists to bridge gaps in high-resource surgical specialtiesof pediatric care, with an emphasis on promoting sustainablesolutions and ongoing training.Sheyla's uncle expressed deep gratitude for the supportprovided by World Pediatric Project with preoperative testingand evaluations, and to Food for the Poor for facilitatingaccess to specialized surgical care. This partnershipdemonstrates how organizations can work together toprovide comprehensive care for children in need.As Sheyla continues her recovery in Guatemala City, her storyserves as a testament to the transformative power ofcompassion, medical expertise, and international cooperation.It reminds us that with the right support and partnerships,even the most challenging circumstances can be overcome,offering hope and new beginnings to children like Sheylaacross the globe.15Food For The Poor
What’s happening in these programs:HousingBy Corine Epps | Photography by CEPUDOHouses built since theinception of FFTP95,457Houses built since January202437016Issue 01 January 2025*Numbers shown are as of 9/19/2024
At Food For The Poor, we believe that everyone deserves asafe place to call home. For nearly four decades, we havededicated ourselves to alleviating poverty in the Caribbeanand Latin America, and our partnership with CEPUDO inHonduras has been one of the most impactfulcollaborations in our mission.In Honduras, where many families struggle to find shelterfrom the elements, our work takes on a profoundsignificance. With nearly 95,000 homes built through ourefforts, over 11,000 of those have been constructed inpartnership with CEPUDO. This local organization bringsinvaluable knowledge and expertise to the table, ensuringthat our initiatives are tailored to meet the specific needsof communities across Honduras.One of the families whose lives we've touched is that ofDelcy. Before receiving her new home, Delcy and her familyfaced daily challenges that many of us can scarcelyimagine. Delcy and her family lived in a makeshift shelterconstructed from rusty zinc and cardboard, with gaps thatallowed wind and rain to seep through.Their livingconditions offered little protection from the elements,leaving them vulnerable to the harsh realities of theirenvironment.Through our partnership with CEPUDO, we were able toidentify families like Delcy's who were in desperate need ofsafe housing. When construction began on their new home,it was not just about building walls; it was about restoringhope and dignity. The impact of this new home on Delcy's family has beenprofound. In her own words, Delcy shared, "I am verygrateful to the donors for giving me this blessing of adignified and stable home." This sentiment encapsulatesthe essence of our mission – to provide not just shelter,but dignity and stability to those in need.For Delcy, this new home means more than just personalcomfort. It allows her to better care for her elderlymother, who can now "live comfortably" in a safeenvironment. Moreover, it has had a positive impact onher son's education, as Delcy notes he can now "go toschool with more enthusiasm to study and have a healthychildhood."Our partnership with CEPUDO goes beyond housing; itencompasses community development initiatives thatempower families to break the cycle of poverty.Together, we are not only providing shelter but alsoequipping individuals with resources that can transformtheir lives.As we continue our work in Honduras, we are remindedthat each home we build represents a family lifted out ofdespair. Delcy's story is a testament to what can beachieved when compassion meets collaboration. We areproud to stand alongside CEPUDO as we strive to createlasting change in communities across Honduras.17Food For The PoorSpotlight in Honduras :Our Partnership with CEPUDO
2,597Individuals trained on adequatesanitation and hygiene practicesIndividuals reached with interventionsto improve food security and healthyeating habits2,394Individuals who have participatedin training workshops onsocioemotional skills931Numbers of home gardens establishedas part of project intervention708Families who complete agriculturaltraining to establish home gardens598Individuals who have completed digitalfinancial literacy training (LISTA)270People reached through specificgospel outreach initiatives6,748Active participants in incomegeneration interventions2,988Households engaged in sustainablecommunity development programs1,223 Individuals with increased accessto safe water12,472*Numbers shown are as of 9/19/2024 Results at a GlanceBy Program Quality and MEAL 18Issue 01 January 2025
We emphasize the importance of giving back through volunteering and supporting any cause that is close to your heart. Your time, dedication, and advocacy for a cause close to your heart will directly impact the lives of individuals and familiesfacing hardship, bringing about positive change and hope.We welcome you to join us and become an advocate for FFTP. You can make a difference! One way is by spreading theword of the work that we do and praying for those we serve. You can also participate in our efforts to pack food kits andhygiene kits. These kits are crucial components of our efforts. Hygiene kits promote health and well-being by providingessential items like soap, toothpaste, and sanitary products. Similarly, food kits address hunger and nutritional needs,ensuring that individuals and families have access to nourishing meals.Visit our resource page and click the link for more information.Together, we can create positive change and bring hope to those who need it most.Thank you for your continued support, prayers and willingness to make a difference.How you can help: Become a volunteer!19Food For The Poor
Never miss an issue!Visit us onlineClick the heart in the upper left of themenu bar for your free onlinesubscription.Give us your feedback, we would love tohear from you.Share with friends.Download past issuesRead anytime or anywherewww.foodforthepoor.orgGet yoursubscription today20Issue 01 January 2025
FFTP Brain Teasers & Tasty Pleasers:www.foodforthepoor.orgQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZEnterXCVNMBGuess the Word in 6 triesEach guess must be a valid 5-letter word.The color of the tiles will changeto show how close your guesswas to the word. How To Play ExamplesPEACE“P” and “E” are in thecorrect spot. ALONG“A” and “G” are correctbut in the wrong spot. BRICK“B” and “K” are not inthe word.Food For The Poor Word GameClick on the image of the game to play it online.21Food For The Poor
FFTP Brain Teasers & Tasty Pleasers:www.foodforthepoor.orgIngredients1 cup dried red kidney beans, soakedovernight2 cups long grain rice1 can (13.5 oz) coconut milk2-3 cups water1 scotch bonnet pepper, whole(optional)3 cloves garlic, minced1 small onion, chopped2 stalks scallions, chopped3-4 sprigs fresh thyme1 teaspoon allspice (pimento)1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)1 tablespoon butter (optional)InstructionsDrain and rinse the soaked kidney beans. Place them in a large potwith 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmerfor about 30 minutes to 1 hour, until beans are tender.1.Add coconut milk, garlic, onion, scallions, thyme, allspice, and thewhole scotch bonnet pepper to the pot. Stir to combine.2.Add the rice and salt. If needed, add more water so that the liquidlevel is about 1 inch above the rice.3.Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Cover tightlyand simmer for about 15-20 minutes, or until rice is tender andliquid is absorbed.4.Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for 10 minutes.5.Remove the scotch bonnet pepper and thyme sprigs. Fluff the ricewith a fork, stirring in the optional butter if using.6.Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Serve hot as a side dish.7.Jamaican Rice and PeasRice and Peas is often considered a Sunday dish in Jamaica, highlighting its importance in bringing people together. Thisreflects how strong partnerships, whether personal or professional, serve as a cornerstone for community and sharedexperiences. In essence, Rice and Peas embodies the idea that when two entities come together in harmony, supportingand enhancing each other's qualities, the result is a robust, nourishing, and deeply satisfying union - a perfect analogy forthe theme of partnerships explored in the FFTP Quarterly's inaugural issue. Click here to print the recipe.22Issue 01 January 2025
Resources: We are here for you! www.foodforthepoor.orgVOLUNTEER PROGRAMHTTPS://FOODFORTHEPOOR.ORG/VOLUNTEER-TODAY/888-940-4076 HTTPS://FOODFORTHEPOOR.ORG/PRAYER/PRAYER LINE800-568-8124HTTPS://FOODFORTHEPOOR.ORG/MISSION-TRIPS/MISSION TRIPSSOCIAL MEDIAHTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/FOODFORTHEPOOR/ DONOR SERVICES954-427-2222800-487-1158BEYOND THE PLATE PODCASTBEYOND THE PLATE (a Food For ThePoor Podcast)Welcome and join us for inspiringconversations that nourish your soul.With every episode, our encouragingguests share their life and truly liveFFTP's mission. Sign-up for our 'BESTBITE' (our dedicated fans who wantmore fun and inspiration) and if yourbusiness or ministry would like toengage our listeners, simply sign-up forinfo on Beyond the Plate PodcastSponsorship.TO LISTEN NOW AND GET MOREINFO, FIND US AT:WWW.FOODFORTHEPOOR.ORG/PODCAST23Food For The Poor
6401 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek, Florida 33073 USA